Thursday, 27 December 2018

An Analysis Of The Flood Protection System

Flood Protection Systems

The increasing level of water due to the effect of floods have raised a problem for many of us as it is harmful to various aspects of our society and taking correct measures to prevent this increasing water level due to floods and water logs is a necessity. The floods are destroying many houses, cultivation process as well as affecting the animals and fishes. 

Though not so easy but several steps should be taken to strengthen the flood protection system which should work according to a fixed plan. Controlling the water level is a very necessary movement and proper planning with an organised effort is needed to execute it.

Let us check various instruments that can be used in the system of flood protection:

Various instruments of flood protection system:

    • River defence- the rivers become flood prone at a point of time. The water level of these rivers rises massively and affects the regions as well as the functioning of the river. So in the system of river defence, various activities are done and several instruments like levees, bunds and mainly reservoirs are made to face and solve this problem. They help to maintain the water level and also store the water for other uses. 

    • Dams- here the process is somewhat different and these are made generally to hold the water and it is mainly responsible to maintaining the level of water. During the floods, it is evident that the water level will rise and the dams operate nicely and hold the water till the water in the other way has not decreased. There are gates which open and let the water of the both sides get exchanged.

    • Diversion Canals- the diversion canals is an useful method of the flood protection system as it diverts the excess water into some ponds or lakes temporarily so that the water level do not rise massively and a normal movement can take place.

Difficulty of implementing the flood protection system

Though the instruments are very helpful, but proper working of these methods is not so easy as a huge sum of money and an efficient man power is needed for this. Maintain proper records of how much water to hold and how much to release are a difficult task and due to miscommunication, some chaos takes place which is not good for the balanced working. But the benefits acquired from this system are commendable for sure.

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