Thursday, 4 April 2019

Top 10 Digital Marketing Interview Question and Answer

Are you facing difficulty to qualify your Digital Marketing Job? Here we have listed Top 10 digital marketing question and answer which will help you present better answers in your interview. The next generation is all about going Digital. It is the new and the only key to success, it is the most cost-effective technique and it requires the least amount of time.

Among the 3 billion active users around the world, it is up to you how you pitch yourself and fight for the top position through your skills. Digital Marketing increase the traffic for your business with simple strategies.

There is a huge demand for Digital  Marketing job opportunities, it is becoming the mainstream in India. and LinkedIn have a huge pool for job options in this newly emerging field. Times of India has reported that India will create around 2 lakh new jobs in the field of Digital Marketing by 2016, so this is 2019 just imagine the rush for the vacancies in this new sector.

Now that you want to pursue your career in Digital Marketing sector you should be ready for the upcoming interview questions. Worried about the fact that you might be lacking the skills to answer interview questions on digital marketing? Just relax, all you need to do is sit back and read this article. This article will help you in dealing with every interview question about Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing | Image Resource :

Top 10 Digital Marketing Interview Question & Answer for Fresher

1) Why Digital Marketing is important?

So the answer here can be very lengthy and boring which can make your selection chances fade. Thus you will have to be very smart to provide the gist in your answer without making it to lengthy or boring. Brief and the most suitable answer here is

Answer: Digital Marketing is the most cost-effective way to hit the target audience and generate revenues like never before. People today are very active on social media and targeting the audience through such a platform is the key in this era. So to reach the maximum target audience in very less time and very less input Digital Marketing is a must.

2) What according to you is more effective, Inbound Marketing or Outbound Marketing?

This is the most common question asked in a Digital Marketing interview. So we thought to provide you a better answer in this Digital Marketing Question and Answer blog.

Here you can answer Optimistically that, both are a very effective way of marketing and both inbound and outbound is required for a business.

Answer: Inbound Marketing is to market your product and services to the people who are interested in buying  So the company here can market to the people who really will be a potential customer in the future through SEO, content marketing, Social Media Etc.

Emails Marketing | Image Resource :

At the same time, Outbound Marketing as the name suggests is reaching to customers in a more traditional way, through ads, Emails Marketing.

3) What do you know about AMP?

Answer: AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, launched by Google it aims in making the web page better for everyone. It is very helpful as it creates the mobile-friendly web pages which are consistently fast, better performing and more approachable. So the company does not lose any revenue because of the loading problems.

4) What is a keyword and how it is used in Digital marketing?

Answer: A keyword is a word which people search in their search engines. The keyword is very useful in Digital marketing when added to the proper place on the website and blogs etc the ranking of your business will be upgraded and the views will also increase for your website.

5) How many useful digital Marketing tools do you know?

  • Google keyword planner
  • Google analytics
  • Moz
  • Rank watch
  • Buzzsumo
  • Ahrefs
  • Alexa
  • Semrush
  • Adexpresso
  • Unbounce

6) Are you aware of Responsive Web Design?

Answer: Responsive Web design creates your website more user-friendly. Your website becomes fast and more responsive, generates more user interactions as it is able to be adjusted in any of the devices or browsers.

The difference is about the layout, the content remains the same but the layout changes according to the device used so the user is provided with the best experience on a particular screen he wants to surf on.

Google AdWords | Image Resource :

7) what is Google AdWords remarketing?

Answer: Yes, Google AdWords remarketing helps in reaching to the customers who once visited to your website or searched about your product or service but did not buy the product. Through Google AdWords, we can target those people and convert every view to a revenue-generating sale.

To learn more about Remarketing you can join Digital Marketing Course.

8) Why are you interested in doing a job in Digital Marketing?

Through this question, the interviewer wants to know are you really sure about what you are doing and how you are the best candidate for this job.
So you can have an answer like..

Answer: It is the field of future, benefits attached to digital marketing is unimaginable and in this era, it is a must for every business to practice Digital Marketing. And I would like to create a profit for business through my skills of Digital Marketing. I know the trend and techniques of this field and I have the potential to change a companies revenue like never before.

9) How do you keep yourself updated with the latest techniques of Digital Marketing?

Answer: As the Digital Marketing field is very dynamic, the trends and techniques update very fast and you need to keep yourself aware of every new plan of action.

So you should read blogs, webinars, algorithms of Google, Google panda, news, etc and need to answer the same.

10 )Can you list some limitations of Digital Marketing?

Limitations of Digital Marketing is that it is highly competitive. Since it is very easy to practice and as it is very cost effective. people practicing Digital Marketing are in a very large number. To be the best out of all competitors is a tough job.

Hope you got all your queries solved through this blog. Which will help you to explore your career in Digital Marketing by getting a better job.

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